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Motorbike is a great passion, a passion that allows us to disconnect and feel free. Whether for short trips or long trips, getting on the saddle is something that makes us feel alive. For us at Interphone it is important to make you enjoy your experience to the fullest, guaranteeing you maximum safety and fun in total tranquility.

The motorcycle intercom is not just a "simple" technological accessory, but is increasingly becoming an indispensable accessory for motorcyclists. You could use it in order not to lose your group of friends between one corner and another, to communicate with another rider that you have a puncture, for unpleasant off-road problems, to share the emotions of an out-of-town trip with the passenger and more.

If you like to travel by motorbike and you like to do it in company, an Interphone Intercom is the right one for you.
You can choose between different types of devices according to your needs: think about how many other intercoms you would like to connect with, if you use the motorcycle with a passenger, what communication distance interests you ...


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However, remember to always use it in the correct way, this device must not be a distraction tool but, on the contrary, must make the motorcycle experience as fun and safe as possible!

Here are some cases where it can be extremely useful:

• Exchange useful information on the travel itinerary, with the passenger or with your fellow adventures.
• Follow the instructions of the satellite navigator, in voice mode, without taking your eyes off the road.
• Answer calls with a simple voice command, in complete safety.
• Quickly tell your friends about dangers on the way, or change direction.

The intercom can be used with any type of motorcycle, whether it is sports, naked, touring, adventure or off road!
All our models are also compatible with any type of helmet of any brand.

And you, with which motorbike do you use your intercom?

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