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Cookie policy
(Provision of the Guarantor of 8 May 2014 published in Official Gazette No. 126 on 3 June 2014 in the transposition of Directive 2002/58 / EC)

This document is an integral part of the "website information" and is drawn up in this manner only and exclusively to allow the user a better understanding of the use and deactivation of cookies.
It should be noted that the user can express their preferences on the use of cookies on the site www.cellularline.com (see detailed list in the "types of cookies" below) through the consent management platform accessible via the site's homepage, and also through the settings of the browser (s) following the instructions provided below. The user can also set "anonymous browsing" which allows the user to browse the internet without saving any information on the sites, pages visited, any passwords entered and other parameter information.

How to disable cookies
Warning: in relation to the deactivation by the user of all types of cookies (including technical ones), it should be noted that some features of the site may be reduced or unavailable.

More information on the cookies used by the website www.interphone.com

The Owner is not responsible for subsequent changes and additions to the information and changes in the operating logic of third-party cookies.

To learn more about the characteristics of third-party cookies
For more information on the data processing implemented by the third parties to which the cookies listed above refer, please refer to the respective information pages:

Cloudflare (dropzonesjs, moto.it, jotfor): https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170156-Understanding-the-Cloudflare-Cookies#12345682
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
Google, Youtube, Doubleclick: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?
HotJar: https://www.hotjar.com/privacy
Yandex: https://browser.yandex.com/help/personal-data-protection/cookies.html
Zoho: https://www.zoho.com/privacy.html